
My first Dedication!

This post is dedicated to Shannon, who victoriously announced that she's the only one who reads my blog!

Buckle up for the dedication!

Shannon: Shut yo' filthy mouth! Congratulations on being the only one who knows about it. Maybe I don't have a lot of people readin' yet, but at least I update. Looks like you forgot about your own blog 2 months ago. Take that, subspace!

Furthermore, this is your gift to the world: bad knees.

Go ahead, do a google search for my family. You'll find we're prominent doctors (probably making a mint off of your knee disease) and artists. And what's that? I'm of Royal Bloodline? You mean my family history is that of governing over this land? Booya. So, go ahead and make fun of me. When I'm all done crying in the corner, I'll just tell myself how rockin' cool I am.


Blogger Shannon said...

Wow Dave, thanks for the dedication. I feel so special!
Especially now that I know how much pain and suffering I've contributed to the world. That's great. Really.

Maybe I neglect my blog, maybe I don't! :)

3/13/2006 1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man bitches get stitches, how could you not dedicate it to something with a dick? like m-... some dude i know? i'm sure hyphen has a dick, but i'm not sure. only one i'm sure of is jon, jon DEFINITELY has a dick.

<3 tedward

3/17/2006 1:06 AM  

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