
Eggs Breadadict

I've found my largest flaw when it comes to the supposed plan for documenting my adventures in being a House Husband (and it has nothing to do with lacking Thor). Well, at least in terms of the cooking aspect, anyway. I suck at planning a menu and then actually pulling through on it. I either never have the right ingredients, don't plan days/time properly, or end up cooking on the fly.
So my first little cooking post will deal with the fact that I am clearly unprepared head-on: one morning I decided to treat the Misses to some Eggs Benedict, which I had never eaten before, via poaching an egg in a pan of simmering water, which I had never done before, and topping with the ever-essential Hollandaise sauce, which I had never even seen before, let alone knew what all was entailed to create it.
All I can say was, it was really fun! Making the egg was surprisingly easy/disgusting, I just had to deal with the fact that the egg looked wrong the entire time I cooked them. The best part, however, was the Hollandaise sauce. I piddled a few resources together to get this recipe:

1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon lemon juice
5-6 Tbs. butter (4 Tbs. clarified)
pinch paprika (or, in my case, you realize you have none as the sauce is setting, and instead throw in a pinch of ground corriander)

1. Over low heat, melt the butter until the milk solids separate from those delicious fatty oils. Skim off the milk solids or, even better, strain through a cheese cloth and keep only the clarified butter.
2. In a thin-bottomed small bowl, beat the living monkeys out of the egg yolk and lemon juice for a hot second to get those well blended.
3. Slowly--and I do mean slowly--add the clarified butter to the bowl holding over a pan of simmering water. Hold it too close and the eggs will scramble, too far and the sauce will separate. I guess you just get a feel for the right height.
4. Once all of the butter has been added and the sauce thickens enough to resist your wrist, add the preferred spices and whisk a little more. Serve it up or lick it off the spoon, fatty!

I somehow managed to not mess up the sauce whatsoever. I'm not sure if I just have a feel for cooking or if I was darn lucky, because everything I read kinda hinted that makin' the H-sauce was going to be a pain in the Benedict.
I did pick up this little hint from my best friend in the whole cooking world, Alton Brown: You can clarify pounds of butter at a time (if you really think you'll be cooking with it often or in great quantities) and just store it in an air-tight container for like a year. Once you get that junky milk out, the stuff just doesn't go rancid very fast. Plus, you can use it 1:1 in place of butter in any recipe and avoid that whole lactose-intolerance deal! I like to be kind to all of my friends who just simply can't handle that spicy milk.

Oh, yeah, the Pièce de résistance? I had no English muffins, just two stale pieces of bread at the bottom of the bag. Good thing two was all I needed!

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Blogger Shannon said...

Well done babe! It was a pleasant surprise. Not to mention the picture looks great.

1/02/2010 4:57 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

This looks lovely. I have never really had much of a desire to try eggs benedict, but you have rekindled the desire to learn to poach eggs. I love them and have tried a few times, but it just didn't work right. I'll give it another go and will let you know how it turns out.

1/06/2010 9:46 AM  

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