
I'm not really a movie, guys.

Seriously. I'm not really a movie after all. In fact, I'm mad I ever made that post, let alone didn't re-post afterward to try and save what little pride I had left. Yes, that was the most retarded post I've ever done. Yes, I will never repeat a post like that. Yes, I probably just lied, and will be making a post of equal-if-not-greater retardation some time in the future. So, I'm sorry for that last one, and I'm sorry for all future endeavours of similar magnitude.
I would like to say that Kung Pow is stinkin' Hilarious. Hilarious with a capital silent "G." I know that not all of you agree, but I would like to first say that you're wrong, and I'm sorry. But that's just the truth of, just like Burgundy is the fattest of all colors. Some of you haven't seen it. I guess that might be your excuse for why you're still not yet funny. Get on that.
Yeah, Roomie, we still need to kick back and watch that. All the way through. And this time, with rubber diapers. I can't afford to steam clean my whole house again. And Shannon, too bad. Same for you Kristi. Everyone else has seen it and know what it means to truly live.

In fact, I'm going to go watch it now. See ya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you don't even know me.

....sounds lame anyways.

1/15/2007 1:37 PM  
Blogger Dave LaGory said...

I'm sorry, who is this? "Kristi"? I think you misspelled your own name, miss. Either that or you're just wierd.

1/18/2007 4:26 AM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Kristi- people know you...you should just accept it already.

Dave- I thought your last post was flippin' awesome with a capital "G"... it made me smile. (moving along) You can't make me watch that movie, especially if you make me wear a rubber diaper. I'm not down with that, yo.


1/18/2007 11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey it's teddy and yeah i still read this. i love kung pow. anybody who doesn't is missing out on quite the experience. i hope they at least know how fat burgundy is. come come big burgundy, what do you weigh? how much have you gained, since the great burginning? i could continue but you obviously know the rest. i love/miss you and we need to go to lai thai together soon.

1/19/2007 7:41 AM  

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