
Sand Dunes-a-plenty

For those of you (yes, I'm referring to all two who might read this in the next year) who haven't seen the movie Dune, put down the Crisco, call into work, and immediately go rent and/or buy it.
Rent and/or buy? Why would you both rent and buy it? That doensn't even make any sense. This guy is crazy.
More like Dune is crazy. Crazy awesome. This movie is a tribute to the elite among us that hate every movie ever made based on a book merely because they attempted a script/plot/character trait change to make it more theater worthy in that the script of the movie--to the word--is taken directly from the book. Even those little "he thought, she thought" exerpts in the book are voiced over in the movie. It's almost comical in how thurough it truly is. Perhaps more comical is how I used this little fact to write a book report on Dune while only actually reading the first third of the book. Excellent book, yes, but quite a long read. Besides, it's not like I didn't go back and read the book again later. I prefer to think of it as "time-diverted grade achievement." I'm just that awesome.

Anyway, there's this combat technique in the movie developed by one of the feuding houses known as "The Weirding Way." This technique in some form or another changes certain vocal patterns into something like a burst of energy. Think of it like the world's best blowdart gun. Not that I'm jealous. Also not to say I wouldn't want to know how to do this, but it just reminded me of the technique I had begun training myself on about three years ago. I one day will be able to put my very flat, very rigid hand straight through somebody's neck. Or, until the need arises, through various large melons and thick steaks.
This may remind some of you of a different goal I have been working on, one of monutmental significance. I haven't quite gotten the hang of things, but don't you worry. I'll be able to hunt large game in the nude with my bare hands yet.


Blogger Will said...

Looks like I'm one of the two.
Did you see/hear about the time when Prosp3ct almost caught a deer our freshman year out in front of Central Hall?

11/27/2006 5:47 AM  
Blogger Shannon said...

when did you write this report??? I'm so confused. are you secretly taking classes behind my back so you can secretly be way smarter than me?

Buddy you don't need to take classes to be smarter than me, you already are! :)

11/27/2006 2:00 PM  

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